

  1. -olus

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  3. 简体中文翻译
  4. English Translation
    Olu. How do you define it? One could ask, what is Olu. But they would be closer to the truth to ask ~when~ is Olu. Scientists over the years have proposed many theories. One such scientist living a [pooey] [schmelle schmelle]y [sad] life, who enjoyed [poo]ing, by the name of [Cobranium], claimed to have discovered a source featuring an output of sound, presumed the voice of ~THE~ OLU!!!!!! Some say it's just a myth, but others, oh the others... ...believe it as a religion, as one of their own, however there is no strict evidence, or no way, discovered by me Cobrania, that anyone can ever know what, or when, Olu is. UPDATE: Olu is a man living in Croydon > Look its OLU!!!!! > John: [feck] no u [son of a bitch], you are a complete [retard], u deserve to [poo] for the rest of your life, i mean a respected known urbandictionary author, COBRANIA, discovered it can't be done.Idiotical [cobranical] fool.