

  1. well


  2. 繁體中文翻譯
    n. 井, 泉水, 源泉, 好
    v. 湧出
    a. 健康的, 良好的, 適宜的, 恰當的
    adv. 很好地, 適當地, 好意地, 很, 完全 interj. 好啦
  3. 简体中文翻译
    n. 井, 泉水, 源泉, 好
    v. 涌出
    a. 健康的, 良好的, 适宜的, 恰当的
    adv. 很好地, 适当地, 好意地, 很, 完全 interj. 好啦
  4. English Translation
    n. a deep hole or shaft dug or drilled to obtain water or oil or gas or brine
    n. a cavity or vessel used to contain liquid
    n. an abundant source
    n. an open shaft through the floors of a building (as for a stairway)
  5. Exchange