

  1. go


  2. 繁體中文翻譯
    vi. 去, 走, 達到, 運轉, 查閱, 消失, 結束, 放棄, 花費, 流傳, 趨於, 打算, 剩下
    vt. 以...打賭, 對付, 忍受, 出產, 為被捕者出(保釋金)
    n. 去, 嘗試, 進行
  3. 简体中文翻译
    vi. 去, 走, 达到, 运转, 查阅, 消失, 结束, 放弃, 花费, 流传, 趋于, 打算, 剩下
    vt. 以...打赌, 对付, 忍受, 出产, 为被捕者出(保释金)
    n. 去, 尝试, 进行
  4. English Translation
    n. a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else)
    n. a board game for two players who place counters on a grid; the object is to surround and so capture the opponent's counters
    v. follow a procedure or take a course
    v. move away from a place into another direction
  5. Exchange